Support Bridlepath


Bridlepath Equine Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit Therapeutic Horsemanship Program that aims to provide high quality services at an affordable cost to our population.

Because of this, we rely heavily on donations, both monthly and one-time gifts. Donating monthly helps us accurately forecast the available funds for meeting many of our fixed operating expenses. However, any donation at any time gives our staff, horses, and volunteers the ability to provide equine assisted therapeutic services to our incredible participants.

Our General Fund is geared towards our general operating expenses such as nutritional, vet, and farrier care for our horses, along with critical operational commitments such as property lease, program supplies, staffing needs, and more.

We also have a Scholarship Fund that you may donate specifically to, which allows participants to apply for financial assistance and receive services at a reduced rate.

No donation amount is too small. Thank you in advance for your donation - we appreciate you immensely!

Please take note that Bridlepath Equine Center proudly holds our 501(c)3 tax-exempt status, which means the full value of your contribution will be deductible for income tax purposes, including for both a financial donation or an item donation.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Participant Session Sponsorships:

  • 25 One-hour sessions for a participant - $2,500

  • 25 Half-hour sessions for a participant - $1,250


Annual Horse Sponsorships:

**All of our horses are currently sponsored. Please reach out if you have interest in supporting one of our program horses in the next cycle.

  • $2,000 / year

  • Sponsorship Plaques will be posted in the Bridlepath Meeting Room.

  • Horse Sponsorships cover the base costs of feed & hay, farrier care, vet care, and overall maintenance of each horse.


Arena Sponsorships:

  • Individual/Family Outdoor Arena Brass Plate - $250

    • Brass Plate (5”x7”) will be posted on the outdoor arena fence.

    • Types of plates to consider: in loving memory or honor of a loved one or pet, in support of commemoration events, etc.

  • Annual Business Banner Sponsorship - $1,200 / year

    • Banners will be posted on the building closely facing the outdoor riding arena.

    • Businesses are responsible for designing and purchasing a 3’x5’ banner.

      Interested in learning more about our sponsorship program?

      Call (717)945-2799 or email

Provide Supplies

Rather support directly through supplies that our farm can use? Follow the link below to view and purchase from our Amazon Wish List.


Bridlepath Equine Center could not offer the high quality services without our incredible team of volunteers!

Do you enjoy working with children and adults with special needs? Do you have a desire to learn more about and spend time with horses? At Bridlepath Equine Center, there are volunteer opportunities in a variety of roles such as lesson help (leading and sidewalking), barn work, administrative tasks, and special events.

If you are interested in volunteering, please click here to complete our inquiry form. Thank you in advance for dedicating your time, energy, and efforts to help us be the best we can for a population who deserves nothing less!

Horse experience is not required - we offer and mandate a volunteer orientation & training for all new volunteers, as well as more specialized trainings in specific areas.

All volunteers must be at least 14 years of age or older. Background checks and clearances must be submitted along a volunteer registration packet.


  • Any and all help is appreciated! We have some volunteers who prefer to volunteer at the same day and time each week, while others prefer to sign up at random and as their schedule allows. Volunteers will remain listed as "active" in our system until a year of inactivity. Whether you volunteer a couple of hours a month or several hours a week, we appreciate our volunteer team immensely - we truly couldn't do what we do without you!

  • Thank you for your interest in supporting us! We accept donations through our online portal, which you can find here. You can setup a one time, monthly or annual donation. You can also mail a donation to “Bridlepath Equine Center, 787 Valley Road, Quarryville, PA 17566.”