Therapeutic Horsemanship Benefits

Therapeutic horsemanship and riding refers to equine assisted activities facilitated by a certified therapeutic riding instructor utilizing the horse to benefit a participant's diagnosis.

There are physical, emotional / behavioral, and intellectual benefits to working with horses and riding.

Physical Benefits:

Horses have a rhythmical and symmetrical 3-dimensional movement that provides the following, but is not limited to: 

  • Strengthening and conditioning muscles

  • Improving balance and coordination

  • Providing low impact exercise

  • Developing gross and fine motor skills

Emotional/Behavioral Benefits:

Horses provide a participant the ability to bond with a non-judgemental partner in ways that include, but are not limited to:

  • Increased self-confidence and self-image

  • Improved motivation

  • Increased ability to organize thoughts and body movements

  • Improved social skills

Intellectual Benefits:

Skills developed in horsemanship and riding sessions have proven to develop the following, but is not limited to:

  • Problem solving skills

  • Sequencing development

  • Motor planning skills

  • Visual and spatial perception & differentiation

Who can benefit from Therapeutic Horsemanship and Riding?

Participants may range from young children to seniors with a variety of physical, emotional/behavioral, and intellectual diagnoses. Once a participant completes our intake process, our experienced and certified instructors will individualize a plan and goals to best suit the needs of the participant. Private and group lessons are offered, along with specialized group programming opportunities for at-risk populations.

Get Started Today

Complete our participant intake form to get the intake process started. Once complete we will schedule your sessions!